The boys' first month in new school :)
Amos is attending his nursery this year. This is not the first time he goes to school. He attended playgroups & pre-nursery prior to that. In fact, he started going to school at 20 mths ~:)
There was a bit of crying from him on the first day of school bcos of the early class & he tend to be a bit cranky. He has get used to waking up early now & enjoyed going to his morning class :):)
As for Zac, he began his Primary school journey this year. I was so worried for him on the first day of school. I went to see him during his recess time. He managed to order the food he wanted to eat after a bit of confusion & help from the parent volunteer as well as his Pri 3 buddy. As the days passed by.... he has attended school for a month now. I'm no longer worried about him during his recess time as he is coping fine !! :):)

Thank you, my first commentator