Zac's K2 Certification Presentation cum Concert 2009
Zac's K2 Certification Presentation & Concert finally ended last Sunday @ ITE Simei Auditorium. It must have been tough on the participating children & teachers with the constant rehearsal prior to it!! *sweat*
Below is pic of Zac with his graduation gown over his concert attire. He took a pic with his best friend, Xavier. Too bad the 2 boys will not be in the same school next year *sob*
The VIPs for the event was Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Defence, Mr Teo Chee Hean. The boys were so honoured to be able to take a pic with him :):)
We also took pic with our MPs, Ms Penny Low. She is so friendly & even joked with Amos, who was shy at first to take the pic ;p

Thank you, my first commentator
Hip Mommy
12:00 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Award, Baby Development, Encouragement, Featured, Janice, Life, School, Zac

KidSafe Your Home !!
I always believe in a safer home for the kids. I still remember we bought a total of 2 Baby Gates after Zachary learned to crawl. We preferred swing closed Pressure Gates, one each for the kitchen & Zachary's bedroom.
At that time, there wasn't a lot of Child Safety Gates available over here to choose from. I learnt recently that mothers nowadays are spoilt for choices. KidCo Gates offer a wide variety of baby gate. They have gates ranging from Stairway Gates to Pet Gates & Extra Wide Baby Gates for those with mighty homes. They even have Custom Fit Gate which is ideal for those with unusual & nonparallel walls.
The products offer great way to make a safe, secure, yet non-confining space for one or more children.
Have a peace of mind with KidSafeinc.com. You can even follow updates of them on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and the KidSafe Blog.

Thank you, my first commentator
10:46 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, House, Life, New Product Launch, Safety, Zac