Zachary turned 7 ... ...
How time flies... ... My elder boy, Zac turned 7 years old yesterday (4 Oct 2010).
I cannot help thinking how much he had grown, feeling really emotional when I look at him now... My little baby whom I nursed since birth is now 7 ;~~~~)
Many days before his birthday, Zac asked for a handmade birthday card from me. Yes, that's just what he ask for, a BIRTHDAY CARD from mummy ;p
He is always by my side so I can only work on the card when he is alseep. hehe...
I chose 2 of his favourite colors which is yellow & orange for the cover & the writing sheet respectively ;p
He did not see me working on the card so he kept reminding me if I have done it days before his birthday & again a day before his birthday. hehe.
I told him I'm "busy" but actually I've completed it days before. LOL :D:D:D:D
Here is the card :
He hinted to me that he would like to have "goodie bags" for his classmates too. This was really challenging for me cos children his age don't really fancy lots of candies & lollipops. As such, I went around sourcing for useful, cute stuff 2 weeks before his birthday for his 28 classmates (excluding Zac) + 2 for his Form Teacher & Chinese Teacher. Total : 30 gifts.
The "goodie" has to be colourful, useful & not too bulky. Zac has to transport the things alone to school so it must be manageable to him too.
Finally, I decided on Disney character photo frames. They were really colourful & his classmates could make use of them & remember Zac (hopefully!! hehehe). I added 2 "Tom & Jerry" toffee & decorated it on the photo frame as though a "ribbon". I spent quite a few days to re-paste the candies cos it kept dropping down ;p
I'm really satisfied with the output & Zac loved it !! :):)

From daddy, .....something similiar to "Wii" from Sony PS3. Zac loves it & plays even better than anyone of us :):)
Lastly, the most memorable moment happened at night. Zac lie-down on the bed beside me & he kissed & thanked me for all the efforts & money incurred to make his birthday possible. I was shocked as I never expected it. He has never said that to me for his passed birthday. My little boy has really "matured" & his little gesture really warms my heart :):):)
11:53 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Baby Development, Birthday, Celebration, Family Outing, Friends, Present, School, Zac