Amos' NEW personalised bag
I ordered the personalised bag for Amos a week ago. This was his belated 3rd birthday pressie given by his beloved auntie Molly. It was delivered via registered mail this morning. Amos was delighted to see his name sewn on it. He chose the design himself from a dozen of choices. I hope the bag can last him throughout his pre-school years since it looks durable & rather spacious ;)
Btw, here's how much it cost... ...
$32 + $5 (personalisation) + $1.50 (postage) + $2.25 (registered mail) = $40.75
If you are keen, you may want to check out their website.

46 Hugs for Amos & Zac:
te jan!!!
yayks! so cute the bag! ill try to visit the site later te..
oh no! did i make it te!?!?
yayks! ..FC FC FC!wooooohooooo! kindly extend my best huggs to amos te! thank you!!!
Lovely bag that Amos have...
Amos looks so happy with his new bag!! ahhh so cute... ;-)
Cute and nice bag!
Hi Janice! Wow.. that bag look sooo cool! :) :) I'm sure my son would love that.. and I can make one for my little Allie too. She's forever trying to take her brother's bag away. And she's only 17 mths. LOL!
I'm off to check out their website! :) Thanks Janice! And Amos look sho cute!! Hugsy Wugsy for Amos!! :) :*
Good news!! i am going to be daddy soon.. :P
wah! i go check it out now!
GG : Congrats !! You're FC !! Yippeee... special hugs to Gagay :):)
Juliana : There are so many designs that initially Amos chose the one with the shark. But he prefered this one after I showed the pic to him ;p
Monica : Definitely !! I told him the bag is a bit too big for him now. Luckily, he did not make a fuss & wanna use it immediately :)
Shemah : The younger ones are forever snatching away things from the older. This is happening over at mine too ;p
Terence : Wow !! Congrats to you. Good NEWS indeed :):)
Wen : Yes, check it out !! ;)
thanks for the hugs te jan!
btw te, am inviting you to vote for me here..thanks te!
Nice bag ya! It looks durable.
Hi Janice, such a great pressie for lil Amos! It looks good on him too! :):):)
wow...Amos look so happy with his new back! thanks Janice for sharing...will check their website
What a great gift! I'm sure he'll treasure it.
GG : Sure, let me go over to yours now ;)
Moon : You think so too. Thanks :):)
Marzie : You are finally here. Thanks so much ;)
Agne : No problem. Anything you like from the site? ;p
Lian : I hope so too :)
I wish I had a mommy like you when I was a kid :)
The bag is so cute... he's so lucky! I'm checking out the site right now. hehehe
Janice, price in S$ or US$? soooo lovely!!
OMG!!! That is so cool!!!
Sandman : I wish I had such a bag when I was a child too. Last time, we were so poor that I used my sister's old handbag as school bag. *faint* :(
Bobo : Yes, check it out. Those bags for gals are so sweet ;p
Chin Nee : The price is in Singapore Dollar :)
Angeline : Getting 2 for your boys? ;)
jan, i love the bag!! it's so beautiful! and this idea is so neat! i like it!! i think the price is reasonable. But if i were to convert it back to rm, then it's abit pricy lar. IT would be great if i could make one for chloe. :)
nvm, i shall check out the website first! thanks for sharing, jan! :)
Hv a nice day!
That's a great bag. I love personalized stuff.
hi janice, i've seen tis personalise baggy online bt was considering cos if i buy then tat must b 4 both kids n tat will b damn ex ex lor. Btw, do u tink it'll b 2 big 4 my 2yr old son? My son is gg childcare aft his 2 yo bday which is 10 more days :) just d right time 4 my gal as she will b in pri 1 nx year. A personalise bag 4 her, then it's impossible tat she'll take d wrg bag ya. Have d urge of getting 4 em after seeing yr post here.
Jean : Yes, its quite pricey & so kind of my friend to buy it for Amos for his bd present :)
Rachel : Yes, personalized stuff for that personal touch :):)
Lynn : Yes, I think it will be too big for a 2 year old cos its now still too big for Amos who is 3 yrs old. However, I don't think the size is good for a Pri 1. It is more for those pre-nursery & kindergarten children :)
Hi Janice,
Thanks. With u seeing the real thingy, I bet yr judgement must be v accurate. Wahaha... I can save on that liao.
Lynn : haha, ok ;p
hey janice, this looks super cool leh...i think my itchy hands + buying bugs would not resist that!!
thks for sharing !!
hi happened to drop by your blog (actually flower mummy introduces me to your blog.):) my boy is taking the chinese powder as shown in your blog too as he is always coughing and having flu.
btw, this bag, i must say, i got two such bags, both easily torn at the strap cause of be careful when you carry the strap.i used less than two or three months for both bags. :(
Jacss : You will have to buy 2 at a time for your case ;p
KKF : How long have your boy been drinking it? Significant difference?
Seems lousy bag huh.... so fast spoil. Chamzz.... :(
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