Happy Birthday to Me !!
I cant believe another year passed !! I'm really into my prime age now. LOL :):)
I would like to say "Thank You" to friends who greeted me over at my Facebook.
Robert Ng, Rachel, Jayne Han, Kevin Chong, Pauline Ong, Girlie, Jenny How, Juliana RW, Enchie, Blur Ting, Darlene, Audrey, Jenny Ho, Michelle Tan, Jane Chan, Dailys Liao, Angeline Foong, Amel, Chee How, Trinity, Moon, ECL, Michelle Lay, Wendy, Serene Teo, Veronica Koh, Sook Fung, Peck Yen, LZ Mommy !!
Amos made the card in school yesterday & he rushed to give to me the moment he reached home. So sweet !! I will treat it as his birthday card for me. *blush*
Zac drew the below for me. He wrote on the cover " Happy Birthday to my mummy" & a pic of me holding a flower. Awwwwww.....
On the inside of the card he wrote again
"My dear Janice,
I have dear Amos Ong
I am a boy"
On the next page, he drew a picture of a heart with Amos & my name on it.
hahahahaha.... so sweet of him to include Amos in the card. I ask him what he meant by those words. He said that mummy has Amos & me (refering to himself). LOL :D:D:D
I went for supper at Newton Circus with my good friends last Saturday after a late night movie to celebrate my birthday. Its been such a long time since I last dine at Newton Circus. Its a pleasure eating those sinful food you see below. I'm feeling hungry now looking at it. hehe :)~~~~

64 Hugs for Amos & Zac:
Happy Birthday Janice!!!
May you have a wonderful birthday filled with love and happiness ;-)
Happy Birthday, my lovely janice!! :)
happy birthday te jan!
wow, that's so sweet of your boys for those heart warming handmade cards!! :)
and owso,,,congrats te mon and you did the FC! yayks!
..so sweet the cards!
Zac is such a loving brother, always including his little younger brother in his drawings and actions. *HUGZ* to the boys! :)
jan, mat your birthday be filled with many happiness and joy! Wishing you a year full of good health, wealth (win more in MJ.. hehe) and loveee!!! :) *HUGZ* to the superb MUMMY!! :)
oppss.. *may
im feeling hungry too looking at these photos!! yum!!
Woo hoo! The party's over here tonight!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANICE!!! :):):)
May u have the best birthday with your cutie pies and ur handsome hubbs! :):):)
COngrats Mon FC!! :):):)
I brought over a huge choc cake and a huge bag of cafe 21 for u sweetie, enjoy!!! :):):)
Ok, I know I've said it on Facebook, but I'll say again!
"Happy Birthday Janice!!!"
Happy Birthday Janice! I know haven't been blogging much the past few months, but I cannot forget about your very special day. Have a wonderful day, and a whole year filled with joy:)
happy birthday, janice!!!!
So cute Zac's drawing!
Monica : Congrats to your FIRST FC here. YAY :):)
Jean : You just missed by 3 secs away from Mon ;p
Thanks for your wonderful bd wishes for me. Muackksss :):)
GG : You arrive at the same time as Jean. hehe ;p
I love the cards from my boys too. They are so sweet ;)
Marzie : So glad to have all of you here arriving nearly the same time at the count of midnite. YAY :):)
I really needed to stock up lots coffee nowadays to keep me awake for work. Thanks dearie :):)
Angeline : Thanks for your many greetings for me. I appreciate it. *HUGGSSSSS* :):)
Bobby : Thannnkkkkssss so much for rem my birthday. I have been blogging lesser too. Take Care, Bobby :):)
Emila : haha, Zac's drawing really very interesting & those words he wrote too. ;p
Happy birthday Janice, may your dreams come true! :D
Happy Birthday, Janice!!
havent gone into FB these few days. so here i am to wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
happy birthday, janice!
Happy Birthday Janice!!!!
Happy Birthday, Janice...
yay Janice, happy birthday ! stay young ok :)
Happy Birthday =) Your kid is such a sweet child... i love the card he made for you, you can see in it that he made it from the bottom of his heart.
Goodluck on your future endeavors and stay forever young at heart =)
AWWWWWWWWW your boys are SO sweet!!! Glad you enjoyed your day, Jan! Now I'm HUNGRY looking at the food pics...ARRGGGHH!!!
Happy Birthday Janice :D Wah, your birthday is on April 1st huh? Cool ...
Nessa : Thankkkssss so much, Nessa :):)
Agnes : Thanks dear :):)
Wen : Its alright!! Thanks so much for your greetings over here. They are as meaningful :):)
Pia : Thanks for your wishes & adding me at FB ;p
LJ : Xie Xie Ni, LJ :)
Juliana : Terima Kasih, Jul :)
TH : Thanks TH for coming over & wish me happy birthday. So touched !! :):)
Bams : Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm shocked to receive the card actually. It really touched me !! ;)
Amel : You know what???? I actually went there to eat again yesterday. wahahahahaha :D~~~~~~
Nick : Yuppie, hard to believe isn't it? ;p
Those are sweet birthday cards from Zac and Amos. Glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration.
What fabulous cards from the boys. I am so glad you had a grand birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday to you!! So sorry to be late but, we had a little family shake up over the last 2 days and I really haven't been online to visit at all!!
Happy weekend!
Rachel : Thanks. I will keep those card for future remembrance ;)
Jackie : Thanks. Hope everything is well over at your side as well? *huggsssss* :):)
Happy birthday Janice!
I couldn't comment two days ago because it kept giving a page error.
Glad I could send in my birthday greeting. ;)
hi jan, you've just been tagged with 100 Truths meme. Hv fun! :)
ECL : Thanks for returning again to give me your warm greetings. Muackkkksss ;p
Jean : Great tag!! Will try to do it soon. Thanks dear ;)
Sweet birthday card from Zac!~
Happy belated birthday to u!
Sweet birthday card from Zac!~
Happy belated birthday to u!
Belated Happy Birthday Janice! better late than never :)
hi jan! hope you'll enjoying yr Tuesday! :)
hi janice, thks for dropping by recently!! wow..i see that u r another young mumy there!!
am here wishing you a belated birthday & may u stay young, pretty, healthy & happy always!!
LPM : Thanks. Yes, my boys are so thoughtful ;p
Carlo : Thanks so much :):)
Jean : Thanks for hopping over here again :)
Jacss : You twins are so cute :)
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