Canadian Pizza for lunch
We ordered the Canadian Pizza 2-4-1 (2 for the price of 1) for lunch during the 4th day of CNY as we expected most of the eateries will be crowded with people.
We had 10" hawaiian & BBQ Chicken. Cost S$23.90 for home delivery.
We were all starving by the time the warm pizza arrived.
The 4 of us gobbled down the pizza with mins....haha :D
I think the 3 men prefer the hawaiian, for me.... both were yummy !!
12:00 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Celebration, Festive Season, Food, House, Zac

Apparels from USA for the family
Hubs bought a couple of apparels from GAP, Old Navy, Nike, Timberland and Calvin Klein for the family during his business trip to USA. He bought all the following only for USD 90. Really worth it. :)
There are for Amos :
From left : Timberland 2pc suit, Gap Long Sleeve and Nike 2 pc suit
These are for Zac :
From Top down : Gap red tee, Old Navy polo, Old Navy sports long sleeve
This pair are of course one each for the 2 brothers. I love to see them wearing the same outfit... haha :D
These are for me......yes... this time round....he got something for me too. YAY !! Not just plastic bags. kekekeke.... The pink GAP design is really chic. Too bad, I need to slim down even further to fit in. The rest are all from Old Navy. I love the one on top of the pink one too with those sailor button at the shoulder. Hubs sure know that I like such designs. Thanks dear :)
These are for himself. A really cheap Calvin Klein belt. 3 boxer shorts from Gap for only USD 8. OMG... so cheap !! Also, a really comfy tee from Gap :)
What a fruitful 2 hr shopping trip :)
Zachary's 1st Meme : 8 Random Facts
Zac has been tagged by Yohan, son of Rachel.
It's Zac's first meme and I'm so excited to share these 8 random things about him ...
I. I like to do stretching exercises.
2. I have been listening to my mum playing mahjong since I was young. I can stuck up mahjong tiles pretty well.
3. I turned 4 years old on Oct 2007
4. I love the beach, water splash, adventurous rides and cycling.

5. I like Thomas The Train.
6. I love my family : my daddy, my mummy & my little bro, Amos.
7. I love to eat strawberry & ice-cream.
8.I want to be a model when I grow up.
On behalf of Zac, I would like to tag the following :
1. Jesse - her gal, Cassie
2. Juliana - her boy, Jason
3. Emila - her boy, Yassin
3. Chin Nee - her gal, Qi Qi
4. Pauline - her son , Timothy
5. ECL - her son, James
6. Kexin - her son, Zachery
7. Blur Ting - her son, YK
8. Sweetpea - her son, Aidan
9. Cendrine - her gal, Zann
10. Trinity - her son, Cliff