I cant believe that my humble blog is ONE year old today. I started blogging on the same day last year. T0 date, I've got 286 posts, an average of 1 post per 1.5 days. Thanks to my visitor Ginger, Sparky & Crikit for reminding me :)
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Last night, I hinted to Zac that its Mother's Day this Sunday. I joked with him if he will be getting anything for me. This was our conversation.
Mama : Gor gor, its Mother's Day this Sunday, u'know?
Gor gor (Zac) : *surprised* Ah?
(Not too sure if his school did mentioned anything to him but he started to mumble something about flowers... ...)
Zac : Mama, I can draw flowers for you, color it & cut it out.
Mama : *shocked* WOW !! OK !! (first time he say he want to draw a flower for me. I'm so looking forward to his art)
Zac : (Went inside room & took out 2 small pieces of paper)
Mama : Such a small piece of paper? Mama WANT a BIG FLOWER (what a greedy Mama !!)
Zac : (apparently sensing Mama's disappointment, immediately went inside room again & ask Mama to help in getting him a Drawing Paper which is high UP on the cabinet) *Shouting* Mama, can help me get the BIG Paper?
Mama : (passing paper to Zac, of course not forgetting to give one to Amos too, else the two is going to fight) There you go...
Zac immediately put his hands on the drawing. He started off with drawing a BIG flower in the middle & label it "J" (I'm feeling so good ! Btw, he knows how to spell my name) Shortly, he drew another 3 flowers and label it "Z", "A" & "L" (The letters denote his name, Amos name & papa's name!! smart boy!!) .... ...
I was surprised how come still got a last flower which he pondered for a while before writing an "S" there. Hmmmmm.... .... (Answer will be at the end of the post)
Below are shots of his kiddish flower for me. LOLxxxxx
So sweet of him to draw it for me. Its a simple drawing but it kept me smiling all night... ... Thanks darling :)
While Zac was busy with the drawing, Amos was occupied with cutting his scribbled paper I gave to him.
Oh yes, Zac signed off the drawing not forgetting to mention Amos too. Such a kind brother :)

Did you noticed a red scar on Zac's face (slightly below his left eyes). He was bullied in school on Monday by his so called "good friend". I told Zac to refrain playing with him cos this is not the first time he hurt Zac. I'm furious knowing that he scratched Zac's face this time. Apparently, the boy's parents were being invited to school bcos of this. I understand that kids will tend to injure their friend accidentally but his "good friend" is really very mischievous. He was caught slapping onto Zac's head the other day & also using a chopstick to poke his nose. I send Zac to school yesterday in the hope of meeting the boy's parents but he did not attend school. Must be scare ah? He is such a bully !! :(:(
Before I end this, the "S" that Zac wrote was referring to our helper. Zac always treat her as part of our family. Such a honey & not forgetting to give a flower to Aunty Sri too :)
GOOD JOB, Zac :)
Mama is so proud of you, love ya :)