Zac's MC : Day 3 -5 (Doctor's Review)
Zac returned to the clinic for review yesterday...
Seeing his condition, doctor said that he should be able to return to school in the next couple of days. The rash on his throat are slowly disappearing, so are those on his feet. Only the rashes on his abdomen & butt are bothering me now. Yes, they are bothering me more than Zac. The latter doesn't feel uncomfy at all & still jovial & active as ever !! :):)
Doctor prescribed "gentriderm cream" to be applied 2 times a day on Zac's rashes. I was relieved that the cream does speed up the healing. *phew*
Since I wasn't able to bring one of the boys to stay elsewhere during this period of time. I tried all means to minimize their contact and also sanitize bedsheets, sofa covers, toys, Zac's personal belongings (e.g. Towels, daily wear...etc). You can imagine how busy I was. Our utility bill sure shoot up this month !! :(:(
I thought of the idea of getting him to wear disposable gloves on the 2nd day & went to purchase it immediately. To my surprised, Zac volunteered to wear them when playing those toys that are impossible to be washed !!
So considerate :):)
I mentioned this practice to the doctor and he said it is actually a good idea. *applause* :)