Where is my Play-Doh?
Zac told me the other day that how come I never buy "Play-Doh" for him. I was very reluctant to buy bcos of the mess that it will create and also afraid Amos will unknowingly consume the "doh".
On my recent shopping trip, I ran out of toys to buy for the boys. So happened that the "Play-Doh" was on offer... ... and also the fact that I promised to get the boys a present this month from their good performance in their rewards book. Zac is leading with 5 star now & Amos is 4.
I din know that the "doh" is so soft. I have an impression its like "plastersine" but I'm wrong.
Its really very fun but messy and it gets stuck in between the nails if not washed clean after that.
Zac loves to play with this purple tools that cuts the doh into fine strips.
Amos was beaming with joy and he tried on all sorts of tools/stencils he could grab on. With such a fun toy, he totally forgotten that he's still nursing a weak body. His fever is under control now but his persistent cough will still trigger him to throw out. He has lost some weight definitely... sigh !! *heartache*
Who wouldn't love Amos? Such a darling boy to help me to keep the toys after play.... awwww.... *hugs*hugs* !!
Amos, get well soon so that you could return to school ok?
12:38 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Encouragement, House, Life, Present, Sick, Toys, Zac

Mama, open the door..... *sob*sob*
I had a fright yesterday night !! *sweat*
I walked off to the kitchen to bring some boiled water for Amos to rinse his mouth only to return to my bathroom to realize that he was locked inside. I was so panicky and none of the keys seems to be able to open THAT door. Initially, Amos was still ok being alone. I kept talking to him while trying to unlock the door. However, as time went by, my little boy also sense that something was wrong cos "mummy had yet to come in".... he started to cry. His cry added on to my fear !! I kept on trying and ensuring that he will be fine while calling the locksmith. Amos is sick (fever, cough, running nose) since beginning of the week. I was so afraid that he will collapse inside the bathroom cos he was having a fever. Then, I heard him coughing badly & vomited inside.
15 mins passed, the locksmith finally arrived..... ..... he told us that the lock was spoil and he had to break it in order to open. What came into my mind then was "do whatever you want with that damn door, so long as I could reach my boy" !!
The moment the door opened.... Amos was sweating so much as though just taken a shower. Oh my poor darling. He looked helpless and all shaken. I could imagine how scare he was !!
After cleaning him up. I immediately gave him a good warm hug.
Till now, I am still unsure if Zac locked the door leaving Amos behind in the bathroom or Amos pressed the lock himself.
I have to buy the lock protector once again now that such accidents happened!!
The boys likes to play with the door :(:(:(
12:19 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, House, Life, Sick, Unpleasant Incident

My first attempt to make Oreo Cheesecake...
I just love Oreo & Cheesecake. The 2 together would make a sinful treat for me once in a while. It would be wonderful if I could make it myself. It may seem easy for some but for a lousy cook like me, it could mean difficulty !!
Just the other day, my friend, Pauline (thanks dear) shared the recipe with me. I learnt from her that there are 2 methods to making the cheesecake : bake & non-bake version. I immediately requested for the non-bake version since I still haven't gotten an oven (sigh!!).
I went to Phoon Huat (Bedok branch) to purchase some of the baking stuff. The rest of the consumables, I got it from NTUC.
In case you are interested, here's the recipe :
ingredients (base) :
110g digestive biscuits, chopped into fine crumbs
40g melted butter
(filling) :
250g cream cheese
45ml milk
50g icing sugar
1 tbsp vanilla essence
8 oreo cookies (coarsely chopped)
4 oreo cookies (finely chopped)
250ml whipping cream
1tbsp gelatine powder
3 tbsp boiling water
Method :
1. Mix biscuit crumbs & melted butter together and press firmly onto the base of cake tin. Chill for 30 minutes.
2. Beat whipping cream with electric beater until 70% stiff or until mousse-like.
3. Double-boil gelatine & boiling water until totally dissolved. Keep warm. (to double-boil, heat a pot filled with water and place another bowl inside the pot & gelatine & boiling water into the bowl).
4. Beat cream cheese, icing sugar, milk and vanilla essence until smooth & creamy. Blend in gelatine solution.
5. Blend in whipping cream.
6. Pour 1/2 the cheese mixture onto the base. Chill for another 15 minutes.
7. Stir in finely chopped cookies into the other 1/2 of the mixture. Mix well.
8. Sprinkle coarsely chopped cookies on top of the first half of cheese mixture.
9. Pour in the other half of the cheese mixture.
10. Chill for 3 to 4 hours before serving.
It took me 1.5 hrs to complete the whole process & to wait another 3 to 4 hrs for the cake to chill.
Mission a ccomplished !! Presenting to you my FIRST ever attempt to make a cake *blush*
Greatest achievement for me is hearing that my hubs, boys & maid all say that
"Its YUMMY!!".... YAY ! !
If I can do it, you can too..... hehehehehe ;p

An indoor playground
The boys just love to play the slide at the playground, however, now that both are attending classes they are spending lesser time at the outdoor. I created an indoor slide recently using the newly purchased mattress for Zac. I tilted it at an angle against my king size bed. Viola !! An indoor slide.... how entertaining for the boys... :)

Our first visit to Jacob Ballas Children Garden
12:00 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Family Outing, Janice, Water Splash, Zac

Red + Blue = Purple
Their REWARDS book
The 2 boys are sometimes driving me crazy. I can almost hear them fighting over practically everything. Most of the time, Zac has to give in to Amos. The latter is the naughtier one, he will want whatever Zac is using or playing :(
I thought of starting a reward book for them, they will be awarded a star (sticker) whenever they show signs of development, lend a helping hand or finishes their meal etc ...
Likewise, if they show signs of misbehave, I will remove the star that they have owned before.
They are eager to receive more stars & tend to behave better after my implementation. I told them whoever receives more star will get a present from me every month.
I decorated the cover page of the reward book to let them have a personal touch that it is their record book of progress. Zac chose the mickey stickers while Amos chose the Pooh bear & friends. You must be thinking how come there's a mini mouse at the bottom of Zac's page... cos she is looking at the charming Zac mah..... wahahahaha.....*blush*
I hope it can really work... so far... each of them has got 3 stars each... ;)
12:00 PM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Baby Development, Encouragement, House, Present, Useful Tips, Zac

Golden Nuggets from Amos... haha...
Yesterday, I wrote about Amos & his toilet affair....!! ;p
I am so excited this morning cos I finally see what I've been waiting for. Its like striking 4D for me.
I got 2 "little golden nuggets" from Amos.... wahahahaha :D
(Top) Picture of Amos' poo (opppssie... excuse me !!) inside the toilet bowl.
He was so eager to flush it off but I just had to grab my camera to capture this precious moment... LOL :D
It was a great achievement for him and so I will be awarding him a STAR for that. Will talk about this STAR in my next post :)
11:47 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Award, Baby Development, Encouragement, House

Amos agrees to sit on the toilet bowl
This morning, I saw Amos attempted to poo with his diaper on. I ask him if he is ready to sit on the toilet bowl? I am surprised that he agreed & dash towards the toilet.
However, I realized that he had already completed "his business" on the diaper. I am still delighted cos he is willing sit on the toilet bowl. I hope very soon he can say good bye to his diaper... ... hmmm... when will that day be?
As far as I could recall, Zac refuse to wear diaper to school at around 2 yrs old. However, if he needed to poo, he will request for the diaper to be worn. I cant really recall when he completely went "diaper-less", I think could be a few months before he turned 3 yrs old. It was a call for celebration then .... all mummies & daddies should be able to relate the jubilation !! Save money buying diaper mah !! :p
11:57 AM
Hugs for Amos & Zac
LABELS Amos, Baby Development, Celebration, Encouragement, House, Zac

Amos & his Famous Amos
Moi Birthday @ Prive
I had a fantastic night over at Prive @ Keppel Bay on my birthday.
I would like to thank Rachel (for being my first commenter to my previous post), Trinity, Marzie, Darlene, Emila, Pauline Wong, Bobo, Lzmommy, Uncle Sam, Carlo, Bobby, Lian, Girle, JoN, LJ, Leonard, Winston, Rozella, Amel, Chin Nee, Jeanne, Fiona, MsLou & BlurTing Also thanks to friend's greetings over at Facebook, Kevin, Efendi, Vi, Zubli & my 3 fav lovely ladies.
Last but not least, a very SPECIAL thanks to Jean for sending the sweet birthday card & pressie via speedpost to me. Your warming gesture left me smiling the whole day :)
Here's a peep to the latest entry to the rapidly growing waterfront dining scene in Singapore, Privé, or private in French :)

Mama, HaPPy BiRtHDaY to YOU !!
Its my mama's birthday today.
I want to wish her a HaPPy BiRtHdAy first before my brother ... ... (I sure know how to win her heart right? hehehe...)
I had a hard time blowing this balloon for her. Hope she likes it. YAY !! :D:D:D:D
Thanks to Trinity for creating a lovely birthday post for me. You are so thoughtful & sweet :)
Such a lovely palace, pot of gold & sparkling jewellery... how I wish they are all for real... hehehehe ;p
Thanks to Marzie, the kitty perfume lady, had dedicated a birthday song to me over at her lovely pinkish blog. Hope it doesn't take up too much of your time despite so busy "fighting war" over at FB.... muackkkkkssss :)