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Recently, I read an article abt a 8.5 mths old baby who does not know how to crawl but is learning how to walk. .( I can understand her concern bcos my elder boy is only struggling to crawl at 9.5mths old. The crawling stage is simply too short for me to recall & he could suddenly walk at 13 mths.) A friend told her that this may cause speech impediment or be slower in learning to talk. This is bcos learning to crawl will help to develop a baby’s left & right brain which would in turn affect speech development. According to Child Development Consultant, there is no definitive evidence supporting this theory. Although it is clear that crawling develops muscle strength & improves co-ordination in infants. However, it is still not clear how important crawling is as a development milestone. It is not the crawling that is critical but the amount of time & effort spent on moving the body muscles. It is the experiences of a child while moving around that may have an impact on the developing brain. So, do not despair if your child is not moving normally, continue to motivate & cheer her on as she picks up her motor skills while discussing your concern with the doctor.

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