Any strawberry today?
The boys love strawberry.
The 2 of them can gobble up a punnet within a day.
I bought a punnet on Tuesday & haven't even eaten one. This afternoon, I opened the fridge thought of trying the strawberry only to realize that the boys already finished yesterday... :)
Strawberry are expensive fruit in Singapore. A punnet cost about S$5.50 from NTUC & there are only less than 20 strawberry inside, they are only small to medium sized ones. So it is considered rather costly !! Strawberry is rich in Vitamin A, C, Calcium... etc

Amos can eat the fruit by himself, he can easily finished up 2 strawberry & requested for more !!
30 Hugs for Amos & Zac:
$5 something for a box of strawberries? I think that's similar to what it cost for me. $4 something for a box of jumbo strawberries but their really good. If you dip them in chocolate probably would make your kids go crazy, so thats a no no :P
I love strawberries! Also quite expensive here, but we usually get them when they look really red and juicy!
Amos in his red outfit looks like a strawberry himself! LOL! :):):)
Iva : We have those chocolate dip here too. They call it chocolate fondue. I personally quite enjoy the dipping & eating.. but once in a while its ok, kinda sweet & sinful. My elder boy doesn't like chocolate so the dip is a no no for him :)
Marzie : I only started to purchase the fruit recently knowing that the boys love it. Amos can easily transformed from a "snowman" to a "strawberry" ... He is really versatile LOL :)
Yay! Strawberries from Mummy Janice! Thanks for offering me some yeah?
I can see your boys are more in favour of strawberries rather than chocolates. =)
Nafa : Of course must share nice food with you, you are so sweet !!
Ya, chocolate is a NO-no for the boys ... But ok for the Mama... hehe ;p
Haha! Ok i know now. Next time if i bring chocolates i only bring for mummy, not the kids. I will bring strawberries for them instead!
Hmmm...actually this is the first time i hear kids preferring strawberries to chocolates. Your kids are special in their own ways huh? =)
Nafa : LOL!! Please give the chocolate to me, thanks :)
I also duno why Zac dislike chocolate leh, but if he has friends to eat with him, he will eat too. However, he will not choose to eat it if there is a choice or request for it. He prefers strawberry. :)
Kids are special in their own way & we just have to accept it. I hope he can eat some chocolate too cos I want to BEEF him UP :)
They're such little cuties munching on strawberries!
Blur Ting : They can sit down quietly eating their fav fruit without a fuss... until they finish... they will start to request for more !! :)
I love strawberries too! *aiyaaaa... cannot sneak one from Janice's fridge becos no more!!!*
ECL : The boys will finished up the moment I replenish...haha :D
Yummy! Yassin hates strawberries but I love it! Wah! Zac and Amos can finished it in one day! Super healthy boys!
How nice that the kids love strawberries. I love them too! My son is a little picky and doesn't like strawberries ... for now. He can still change his mind later. :)
i love strawberries too but it's hard to find sweet juicy one. Usually it's sour and tasteless. So, once i had a sweet one, i'll finish it all. :)
Amos look so cute eating the strawberries. :)
Zac looks so thin in the picture. Is he a fussy eater?
i love strawberries, strawberry ice cream, strawberries milk.
My wife love Chocolate but i like strawberries.
"Life is like a box of strawberries. Mostly sour but when you find some sweet ones, treasure the moment" (from the Movie, Forest Traffic...just kidding) LOL
Hehe.. nobody can entice me with fruits because I don't eat fruit :-)
Your boys are really enjoying it. Maybe it is time to replenish!
Hi Janice! You could open an online strawberry company with those photo's! I love strawberries and really most fruits. My parents always told me I was fruity, they're right, I love fruit:)That is what my parents meant by me being fruity, right?
i love strawberries it sweet? the varieties we have here are not. very seldom you can buy sweet strawberries
It costs about £1 for a packet here. I planted some of them in my garden and they are still producing fruits. Much tastier than those from the shops. The slugs are a menace though.
hi dear janice very sweet...i love sttrawberries alot my sons my sons never liked them ...i think aAmos was rasisng his thumb up may be thinking of asking for another one as he is thinking of its taste too...:) so much fun to see them ....i love them ....take care
A punnet of strawberries a day keeps the doctor away? Mayhap, an apple is a cheaper option?
Emila : Yassin hates strawberry huh... if he likes it. Both mother & child will be able to enjoy the fruit together :)
Rachel : You are right that Yohan might change his mind in future. Just like Zac, he cant accept durian now, we will still let him try in future hopefully he will love the fruit like daddy & mummy do !! :)
Jean : I cant take sour strawberry too, my tooth cannot withstand the sourness, it will ache haha :D
You are right, if we manged to get hold of sweet juicy one. GONE will be in mins... LOL :)
Maketraffic : Like your forrest traffic there...haha ;p
Your wife is just like me & you resemblance Zac :)
Jean : opppsie, I forgot to reply on your qns abt Zac. He has slimed down since turning 3 yrs old. But I heard from my friends that it is normal. He is really a fussy eater at the same time too so making it worst :(
Sam : Yes, its time to replenish but the supermarket near our place don't usually have strawberry for sale. Sometimes only lucky that I managed to get them :)
Bobby : Zac & I are fruity persons too. Basically I love all kinds of fruits. Zac enjoys his daily doze of fruit after his meals. He can eat those normal fruits like : apple, orange, watermelon, kiwi, pear..etc. Only durian is something he still cant accept! hehe ;p
Girlie : For this punnet, I din get to taste them cos the 2 rascals finished them all before I got a chance to even touch them. But for those I bought before. They are really sweet & juicy. :)
Adam : How wonderful to be able to plant & taste the fruits. Over here we are all living in flats. We dont have the priviledge to do that. I can imagine your joy when it is havest time. Awesome !! :)
Lili : Maybe your 2 boys will changed their mind in future when they see their mummy is enjoying the fruit so much :)
Jas : We do have apple in our fridge too. In fact, this time round... I bought so much fruits : apple, oranges, kiwi, grapes, banana & strawberry. I just love buying fruits & seeing them being consumed :)
Ha ha ha Amos the strawberry snowman! HUGS for Amos :):):)
Marzie : Aww.. what an adorable strawberry snowman... :)
Awww, how sweet. My son could go through a punnet. We normally pick them from the farm behind our house as it is fresh and much cheaper than the supermarkets.
I think your boy will go crazy if they were at the strawberry farm. :)
Judy : You are right! They are already shouting in the supermarket on seeing the strawberry. I can imagine if they are thrown in a farm like that...I think they will just seat down & stand eating...LOL :)
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