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Just for Zac

I woke up at 9.50am today, it was considered late for me cos I usually wake up around 8am. I don't know why I'm so tired. I felt my whole body aching. Thinking back, it could be due to the constant driving over the weekends.

I tried to take over the driving from my hubs whenever I get a chance to practice with him as the traffic controller. I am about 60% on the skills but I'm still not familiar with the roads. That is the most scary part cos accidents usually occur due to unfamilarity. Looks like I still cant handle the car alone without hubs at the moment. But I can still drive to the nearest shopping complex... .... I think so.... LOL :)

Today, there is a class photo taking session over at Zac's PCF nursery class. The school informed the parents last Thursday that the children has to be dressed in full uniform & white shoes & socks. I went to purchase one for Zac last Saturday. It cost S$16.95 from Bata. Looks quite comfortable compared to those I used to wear during my school days. However, the price was doubled to0 !! :)

Zac was excited & looking forward to wearing it.
This was how he look like with the full uniform & new shoes :)
I also bought a new kiddo umbrella for him. He wants to have his own umbrella on rainy days !!The S$2 one from Daiso broke upon the first use. That was what will happen with buying cheap stuff. Lesson learnt !! I chose one Pooh Bear & Friends design from Kiddy Palace. It is really lovely. I like it & so does Zac. He held on to the umbrella all the way home. haha :D

What do you think of the umbrella, nice right? hehe ;p
Zac saw me taking photos, he rushed to "take pictures" using his personal Nokia toy handphone too. Such a funny boy :)

The umbrella cost S$12.70. I hope this one will last longer :)

40 Hugs for Amos & Zac:

kegler747 said...

I bet Zac will look good with a new shoes :) that umbrella is cute too by the way :)

J@n!ce said...

Carlo : I will take some pictures of him with the new shoes on later. Hope it fit him well with socks on :)

Janice Ng

Bobby Revell said...

Hi Janice! That's the same umbrella I use!

I get a lot of funny looks walking down the street. It might be the umbrella or maybe it's my Winnie the Pooh T-shirt...LOL!

You know I'm teasing right?

Chinneeq said...

i learnt my lessons with qiqi. shouldnt have bought lil one when she is too young to take care of the umbrella. 2 umbrella from Toy R Us broken and this time i got her a cheap one (but better quality) from 100 Yen Shop.

WaterLearner said...

Oh.. I like that umbrella. Where did you buy that? What other designs besides Pooh Bear?

Busy for you hor, last weekend?

J@n!ce said...

Bobby : You gonna look so adorable with the Pooh Bear combination. I am trying to get the picture of you in it.... What about a pooh bear bag from my collection as well?
hehehe ;p
Totally awesome :):)

The BIG man in Pooh :):)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Chin Nee : I thought of getting Zac a raincoat initially but its a bit troublesome to wear & keep. I hope he takes good care of the umbrella though. :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Karen : I bought it from Kiddy Palace. The shop that sells all of baby, children & maternity needs. There are mickey mouse, pooh bear & another bear bear type which I am unsure which cartoon is belongs to. Of all, this the best design I can see & of course the most expensive of all :(

Janice Ng

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

Hi jan! nice shoe and umbrella! Zac is so happy in those pics! Cuties!!! :))

Miss Yummy-licious

mr fong said...

Hi, so sweet of u la...How was ur day? Zac so cute :) It's raining heavily now :S

J@n!ce said...

Jean the yummylicious chef.... hehe ;p

The kids are most happy with getting new things. He sure is a happy boy :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Winston : Thanks. Yes, its raining so heavy just now & I'm stuck at the supermarket getting the weekly grocery for the family. Its really crowded on Mondays :(

Janice Ng

Bobby Revell said...

A Pooh Bear Bag? It would go perfect with my big fuzzy Pooh-Bear slippers!LOL!!!

Shhhhh...don't tell anyone:)

J@n!ce said...

Bobby : Get a pooh cap & shade to top it off... shhhhh.... :)

Janice Ng

Anonymous said...

very nice umbrella and matches school uniform leh..

Blur Ting said...

You can't help but feel so proud when you see how much your kid has grown right? I always feel that way.

When your kids are little, they love all these cute cute umbrellas and stuff but when they become teenagers like mine, they'll go for anything without cartoons. That shows they've grown up. So, in the meantime, you should buy more cute stuff!

J@n!ce said...

Wen : That's right, the umbrella matches the school uniform & so are the socks :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Blur Ting : That's right, I have a lot to learn from you. Thanks for telling me. I have to buy more cute stuff now that in future, the boys will no be sharing my pooh bear interest with me anymore... haha :D

Janice Ng

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's looking forward to the photo taking session! He's so smiley! Handsome boy too! :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Janice. Glad you're doing some practice driving to help build your confidence. I'm sure you can drive longer and farther in no time.

I agree, Zac looks good in his uniform and new shoes. I like the cute Pooh umbrella.

Heart of Rachel said...

BTW, you have an award waiting for you on my blog.

Choc Mint Girl said...

Is that him in the last pic?? So cute...:D

FL Sam said...

Very nice Posh umbrella whch any kid would luv to have. Zac looks great in the full uniform Not cheap if i convert to Malaysian Ringgit. I agreed with you cheap stuff wont lasts. :)

J@n!ce said...

Elaine : Oh yes, he was indeed looking forward to it. I heard that next year kindergarden all have to wear white shoes & socks. :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Rachel : I cant enter your blog, there's an error. Thanks for the award anyway. I will check again later, I cant enter now. :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Uncle Sam : It is really costly, more ex than those adult ones that we are currently using ;p

Janice Ng

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Janice, your son and my kids wear the exact same brand of shoes :D The design also the same one ... LOL!

I wore the same brand to school myself in those days but you're right, the current ones look more comfortable now.

J@n!ce said...

Nick : That's so coincident, I just realized that Zac is wearing the same shoes as my niece last weekend. Now, your boys also got the same one. Looks like all of us got the same 'taste' huh.... ;)

I've been a loyal Bata follower since young :)

Janice Ng

Amel said...

NICE pics and yes, it's a WONDERFUL umbrella he he he he...You're right about buying cheap umbrellas! They usually don't last! ;-D

NafaSg said...

Winnie The Pooh umbrella? We love Winnie The Pooh! Hehehe! =)

Wah the shoes are quite expensive. We didnt have expensive shoes like this during our time. Now kids are so lucky. Zac will sure look good in those shoes. =)

Mariuca said...

Love the Pooh umbrella! Are u sure u bought it for Zac and not for ur collection? LOL! :):):)

darlene said...

love the umbrella....and he sure does look sharp in his uniform!!...looks like a proud boy to me....wtg mummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Great buy. Always a delight to see our kids glee with delight when they get something new.

J@n!ce said...

Amel : It rained yesterday & Zac used it for the first time. He was so excited & told his friend that mummy bought it for him. I felt like a proud mummy for a moment seeing the joy in his eyes :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Nafa : I rem my school shoes cost about S$10 back then & the quality sucks. Its really hard & uncomfy. Those shoes now are really sporty looking & really comfy to wear... :)
Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Marzie : I showed him the brolly & he loves it at first look too. So we have the same taste :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Darlene : Thanks. He was so jumping with joy over the new shoes :)

Janice Ng

J@n!ce said...

Judy : That's how fun to be a kid. No worries & having new things every now & then... !! :)

Janice Ng

Trinity said...

Hi Janice... Zac in his uniform and new shoes! What a happy face!

Kids love to hold the umbrella by themselves, especially that cute winnie the pooh one! He must be very proud to use it!

Trinity from Rooms of
My Heart

J@n!ce said...

Trinity : Nice to see you back from your vacation :)

Its been raining over here on/off. Zac proudly uses his umbrella everytime. I'm glad to see him so happy over it. He loves rainy days all bcos he can use it...LOL :)

Janice Ng

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