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He could hardly talk, move & breath.

We were all by his bedside holding on tightly to his hands.
His condition worsen tremendously overnight.
We have a feeling that he might not make it till midnight.

He was trying so hard for the miracle 10% of survival,
He cannot bear to leave his family just like that.

He grasped for air but inhaled none,
We shouted his name to no response.

He was really gone this time ... ...

We were so sorry for not being able to save his life.

Brother, you will be remembered dearly in our hearts,
Your last hope & wish will be fulfilled by everyone in the family.

May you Rest In Peace.

68 Hugs for Amos & Zac:

Amel said...


At least you were all beside him when he was gone.

So I guess this is the miracle God gave him: the end of his pains. I know this won't be easy on all of you...

Yes, may he rest in peace...I think so. :-)

emilayusof said...

Janice dear, I am very sad to hear about this news. Condolence to you and your family. May your brother rest in peace.


Bobby Revell said...

I am without words. I know your brother has gone to a better place.
Just know that I love you and will be right here for my great friend.

May he rest in peace.

Shana said...

I am so sorry to hear of you loss. (((HUGS))) to you. You and your family are in my prayers though this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your family towards the loss of a brave man who fought his ailment right til the very end.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry about your brother. May your brother rest in peace.
Hugs to you.
from your friend: hipmommy

Anonymous said...

Janice, be strong. |*Big Hugs*|
We are always be with you..

Anonymous said...

Deep condolence! *Hug*
He's going to a better place!

Blur Ting said...

Dear Janice, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I dread this day since reading about his condition and was hoping to hear of a successful recovery. Please stay strong for him and console his wife and kids. I'm sure your brother will feel comforted seeing it from Heaven.

Bless said...

Janice my thoughts and prayers are with you all in this time of your bereavement.


Anonymous said...

My condolences to u and ur family.

Suzie said...

*Hugzzzz* i cant help but teared while reading this especially along with your music intro.

my heartfelt condolences to you and ur family dearie.God loves brother beng hwee so much and He wanted to put him in a better place. i pray that God will send His perpetual light upon him and to grant him peace and eternal life. & may the Lord grant you and family strength during this bereavement.
lots of love...

JK said...


I am so sorry to hear that. I actually had a treat for you and your brother over at my blog but I think it's too late. Hop over to have a look. Hopefully it will cheer you up a little although it's really hard to take away your sadness in losing your brother.

I hope you will be strong cos your two boys need you.

Adrian said...

Dear Janice,

I am saddened to hear that your brother passed away. He faught a good fight but God has bigger plans for him in heaven.

My deepest condolences to you and your family. We will pray for for his soul and his journey to heaven.

We are here for you my friend...Hugs!

CRIZ LAI said...

My deepest condolences to you Janice and your family. Stay strong during this period. May his soul rest in peace.

Health Freak Mommy said...

Sorry about your brother's passing. My deepest heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Please be strong!

DubLiMan said...

I want you to know two things:
1. My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss. I cannot imagine how it must feel.
2. What a great friend you have in Bobby. He devoted a post to you and your brother. That's how I found out.

LadyJava said...

Dearest Janice..

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. My heartfelt condolence to you and your family. May he rest in peace and may God's blessing and mercy be upon him..

Rest in Peace Beng Hwee
You are going to be missed by many
May God have mercy on your soul and place you in his heavens and His loving arms forever...

Hugs to you dear Janice

Mariuca said...

Hi Janice, I am deeply sorry for your loss. We all know how much you and your family tried to help your brother pull through this painful episode in his life and I just want u to know that u did your best, but the rest was up to God. I hope u will find comfort and peace eventually and will come to terms with ur bro's death. I can only offer u my sympathy and lots of hugs and kisses for u sweetie. B and I send our condolences and we are truly sorry for ur loss once again. Take care dear. HUGS for Janice. :(:(:(

Sam Chan said...

My deepest condolences to you Janice and your family. Be strong during this period so that you could console your sister-in-law and their children. By doing so your brother will be comforted.


WaterLearner said...


I don't know what to say. I think no words can make you feel better at a time like this.

My deepest condolences to you and your family at this difficult moment.


Old Beng said...

A pat on your back

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Janice, my condolences to you and your family. At least he's not suffering anymore.

Rest in peace Beng Hwee!

Amel said...


This card is for you...go here to view it:

A Message from Heaven

Choc Mint Girl said...

I am so sorry, Janice. I would like to extend my deepest condolence to you and family. I know how hard it is to erase the pain...I've lost words of comfort to offer you...except this...

Time will heal the pain but the memories will stay alive. Life is unpredictable...May his soul rest in peace...

God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Janice:

I came from Endoh's blog and though I can't say I know you prior to this episode, I would like to offer you and your family my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother.

However, I hope you are also encouraged by the fact that though he now sleeps, he sleeps in the faith in the Lord, and he shall arise when the Lord shall shout for the asleep to join Him.

The Lord bless you and your family.

Shalom Aleichem.

Nessa said...

Dear Janice,

Truly sorry for your loss. I'm lost for words. Be strong. (HUGS)

Trinity said...

I will not leave you comfortless:
I will come to you. - John 14:18

May the gentle mercy that God has always shown be with you now so you will know that you are not alone.

And may the prayers of others help in some small way to bring you peace and comfort and courage for each day.

In Deepest Symphaty,
Trinity from Rooms of My Heart

The Bimbo said...

I'm really at a loss for words.

Sorry to hear of this news Janice. Although he was still in pain but I'm sure he felt comforted that all of you were by his side to the end. And that he must be at a better place now watching over all of you.

Take care Janice.

With love.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences.

He is resting in peace with God now. No more suffering and pain for Beng Hwee.

I pray that God will give you all strength at this time of grieving.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

DiamondsSaphire said...

Sorry for your loss. My condolences to you andf your family.

Lori said...

I am so sorry to hear about your brother. My prayers will be with you and your family.

NafaSg said...

Oh dear, Jan...

We are very deeply sorry for your loss. We know how hard it is on u. Life is so short and precious. Our loved ones too.

Jan, u still have the rest of your loved ones to hold on to. Your mum, your other siblings, your hubby, and most of all, your two precious boys. Do not feel like it is the end of everything for u ok?

Our heartfelt condolence goes out to u and your family. He will always be remembered for how strong he was in pulling through that painful ordeal. Love and hugs from all of us to u. *hugs*

FL Sam said...

I feel so sad hearing that your dear brother is gone. My deep sympathies and heartfelt condolences to you and family.
May he rest in peace and may your hearts be lifted from sadness.

Anonymous said...

Janice, my sincere condolence to u and ur family..hope u r ok

Anonymous said...

Dear Jan,

I’m sorry to hear about your lose.

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.


Chinneeq said...

so sorry about that, Janice. It is a good way to end the pain, though. At least for your brother.

Stacey said...

Janice I am so sorry. I came over from Trinity--you do not know me but I caught my breath when I read your beautiful post. I watched my sister in her last moments as she gasped for breath and couldn't find one. There hasn't been a word yet to describe the heartwrench you felt, and I am sorry. ~Stacey

S.H.@.R.O.N said...

Dear Janice,

So sorry to hear about the demise of your brother.

My deepest condolences to you & your family.


Anonymous said...

i am so very sorry for your loss. i came via Amel's. this is a very touching post. deepest condolences.

Santa Claus said...

Janice, no words can take away the pain you feel right now but your brother has gone to a far better place. The miracle he left behind is a loving and caring family. You are in my thoughts and prayers


Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you and your family. You are all in my thoughts.

darlene said...

i too am heart now aches for you and the loss of your brother....i can not even imagine what you are now going through.....but i do want you too thoughts are with you....and i pray for srength....for you to get through..and be strong.......i am soooo sorry my sweet Janice....tears are being shed i know loss so very heart is with you....

kegler747 said...

Oh my God. I'm so sorry for the bad news my friend. I just hope that you and your family will be strong in accepting this great tragedy and cope with your loss.

Pls. extend my heartfelt condolonces to your family. My prayers are with you...

Trinity said...

Janice, how are you today? Just want to make sure all of your family is in our thoughts...

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

Hi Jan, when i checked my inbox yesterday, i saw marzie's email on yoru brother. My heart was beating very fast, "could this be true?" i thought. I quickly rushed to your blog and when i saw your post, my heart broke down. I cant believe the first news i heard from you afetr my vakasi is on this.

I am so sorry on your loss. Our thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time!

Jean & Martin

Anonymous said...

hi Janice, my deepest condolences..I know the feeling of losing ones loved (I lost my father 3 yrs ago) and I pray to God that all of you will overcome this.

Bola said...

Hi Janice,so sorry to hear about your brother.May his soul rest in perfect peace,pls take heart,be consoled with the fact that he has gone to rest with his saviour.

Anonymous said...

my condolence to you and your family.
be strong, u've done all u could have..

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry for your loss. My family will be praying for your brother. We're all here if you need us.

Sweetpea said...

my deepest condolences to your and your familyl, janice. be strong through this tough time. your brother may be gone, but never forgotten. he is freed from his sufferings and is indeed resting in peace.
remember not what he suffered, but smile to your sweetest memories of him. this is the way he would want to be remembered.

take care and hugz~

lilifxt said...

hi dear janice im so sorry be strong my prayers to your brother he will rest in peace darling he is away from his pins now he is in a better place im sorry for the this loss but this is life we all have to go one day i know its hard but u have to grief for a while and u will never forget him the rest of your life

be strong girl please all of our prayers to ypur brave and strong brother that have faced alot during his illness and he is free now

i love you....take care

Anonymous said...

Janice, I am so sorry for your loss.

My own brother is currently bedridden from MS and it is very difficult to visit with him and listen to him suffer.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Leena said...

My condolence to you and your family. God called him home to be with him because God loves him.
Be strong Janice, for you and your family.

Francine Ann said... so sorry to hear about your brother.condolence to you and to your entire family. Sis, just remember that i am always here for you and you can always lean on me when you need someone especially at this time. be strong. just think that your brother is safe now and he is at god's hands and kingdom. now, he isn't suffering anymore from that pain he was experiencing. youre such a lovely and kind sister. im very much sure that your brother loves you very much too and hes very proud to have you as his sister *mmuaaaahhh* and hugs

jon said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Will be praying and thinking of all of you.

Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your brother.i`ll be thinking about you and your family..ribbit,ribbit.. said...

Huge hug Janice. God bless you.


Jackie said...

Janice I please know that you and your entire family are in our prayers. I am sending you all the love possible and please know that I always keep you in my prayers. God Bless You~Jackie

Rolando said...

Our condolences Janice. Peace be with you and your family.


Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and your family. May you stay strong and God is be with him now. He is free from sickness and sit beside with God.

Everything will be alright...\((Hugss))/

Anonymous said...

janice, i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. my heart breaks for you. may God's peace be with you and your whole family.


Jamy said...

I got the sad news from Bobby blog. This is more earlier than what I expected before. Time flies away so fast. A man's life had been taken away this week. But Im sure hes the hero in our heart because he never give up in struggling over it and did not choose to end up his life when he knows his sickness. At least he ever tried for surgery. A try means a hope.

Im glad that he begins with his new life and learn to grow up again. This is one of the learning process in the life. Buddhist believe in many life of reborn. Every life represents a lesson for the spirit. We will get the knowledge in each life although we forget what we had been gone thru previous life by drinking the forgetable soup from the legendary old lady.

Janice, your brother will start to learn again to make a better choice for his new life. What he did in this past life, will make him more stronger and understand how importance on what he has to choose for himself. It's just simply his best. Feel happy for him.

And I will be there for you, my dear. Learn how to make good choice just for you. I'm learning too. Let us grow together with a happy life.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I give you all the smile that you had given to me in my blog.

Remember, when you smile to people, people will smile back to you as well.

*e*le*nie* said...

My condolences to you and your family.

Aaron Cook said...

Hi Janice. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts.

Hugs and well wishes,

J@n!ce said...

I want to thank you everybody for leaving their words of condolences here. Thank you for being here with me to share my sorrow. I appreciate it a lot.

Janice Ng

Heart of Rachel said...

Dearest Janice,

I'm sorry for not visiting you for a while and I'm truly saddened by this news. I sent you and your family my deepest condolences.

May your dear brother find peace and happiness in a place free from pain. May God bless him.

J@n!ce said...

Rachel : Thanks for your comforting words. Its really sad, we are all adapting to days w/o him now. However, comforting are we to know that he is in a happy place free of suffering now :)

Janice Ng

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